Wim Hof Method

Wim Hof Method

 6th Dec 2019 |  Owlo knows |  Richard Garner

No-one can deny the 'cool' of the Ice Man, Wim Hof.

His story speaks of the greatest of challenges - breaking barriers of human understanding and overcoming great loss.

There's something messianic about Wim - he's a natural leader - engaging and talks of another world of possibility that seems within our grasp. He's both entirely intelligible and at the same time on a completely different plane to mortal man.

His message isn't look at me. His message is, if I can do it you can do it to. He's not out for the fame and glory, despite having 26 Guinness world records. He's out there to show us what we are all capable of if we set ourselves to it.

His gift to us is a route to a happier, healthier and more powerful life through a combination of simple techniques. The three tenets are:

1) Cold therapy - Exposure - 'Good stress'
2) Breathing - Hyperventilation and ph Balance
3) Commitment - Self-discipline

It's taken me a few months to get into it, but I've been cold showering every day for 3 months now as of writing this and I see no reason to stop. Yes it's difficult in mid-winter UK though it always feel's good afterwards even if it's tough at the time.

Managing it mentally and physically takes strength that if you don't have at the beginning, comes with time. I've heard people say "it's good to get the worst part of the day out of the way" - there's some sense in that - it's a shock to the system and somehow it feels like good stress. It's taught me to be less anxious and more in control of my stress response.

This thread also runs through the breathing techniques - holding your breath for that amount of time does not feel natural at first and your body overreacts. Though with practice you learn to cope with the stress and have greater control over your stress and therefore your adrenaline response.

Commitment is part of both physical exercises and routine too. Making space for them in your life, making these small investments in the hope that they improve the quality and length of your life.

For me, I believe that it is working - subjectively for me. I'm sure it won't work for everyone because not everyone is ready to challenge their held beliefs. They want to believe that health 'feels' good. It's not always the case! Certainly not in the short-term.

For more information on the Wim Hof Method visit his site and why not try his mini-course?

For some great insight into the man and how he got to this point, check out Russell Brand's interview.


Personality Assessment test

Personality Assessment test

This personality assessment test costs $10, which may seem unfair in this day and age where everything online seems to be free, though it's worth . . . every cent. Each of the 100 questions has a purpose, and although not unique on their own, result in a very detailed report. Your results are compared with 10,000 others of diverse ages, race and sex. So you can feel confident that your responses will show up variations in your personality in relation to others. It's Based on the Big Five: Openness to experience Conscientiousness Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticism Take the test https://www.understandmyself.com/ References: Wikipedia - Big Five
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Stages of competence

Stages of competence

When searching for change our lives it can sometimes be useful to recognise where we might be in terms of our awareness and conscious control. Can't . . . sing for toffee Imagine a scenario where someone tells you that you can't sing. You might be a bit surprised by this as you thought you were good at singing. With a bit of time and feedback you may realise that aren't actually that great at singing and that you either need to come to terms with it or do something about it. Let's say you decide to do something about it and you practice, or get singing lessons and you learn how to be good at singing to the point where you can sing well when you make an effort. After time, when you've put in hours of practice you might get so good that you can sing confidently without even thinking about it - at this point you are unconsciously good at singing. Four stages of competence The example above represents the four stages of competence: Bad but you don't know it - unconscious incompetence Bad but you know why - conscious incompetence Good and you know why - conscious competence Good without thinking about it - unconscious competence This can be applied to anything we do, include the way we act or think! The flipping point Most people have a sense of the fact that they're not good at something - what they do at this point is the crux of the matter. Many people repress or forget or pretend this isn't the case and so they continue to make the same mistake, often at great expense to themselves or others. They may be completely aware of the fact that something is wrong in their life, but may be falsely attributing it to something that isn't even connected - or even blame their issues on someone else. As a result many incompetencies in people's lives continue to exist and perpetuate much longer than they could. The flipping point is the point at which the person accepts that they have something they want to solve but they don't know how and they commit themselves to learning how to correctly analyse and monitor themselves and what actions to take accordingly. By then 'doing the work' they can move into conscious competence and ultimately into unconscious competence. If you find you're stuck with one or more bad habits, this structure could help you. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_stages_of_competence
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